Matthew Hill Furniture
Under Stairs Storage

Under Stairs Storage

Under Stairs Storage

Under stairs storage has gained popularity for optimising living spaces. It efficiently utilises compact urban environments by transforming the often-overlooked area beneath the staircase into storage. This frees up valuable floor space elsewhere in the home.

This storage solution blends functionality and aesthetics. Custom-built cabinets or open shelving complement the interior design, enhancing the overall look of the home. It ensures that the storage is tailored to the homeowner’s specific needs and style preferences.

Contact us at Matthew Hill Furniture to explore this storage option for your home. Before reaching out, you can gather ideas from this article by Stairbox.

Double Draw Unit

A medium sized storage unit for under the stairs gives the owners much more useable space. The drawers give ease of access right to the back of the space and with flush handles the hall way is not compromised.

  • under stairs storage
  • under stairs storage
  • under stairs storage

Understairs Closet

White doors added to create an understairs closet in Godstone. The clean white doors created a crisp constrast with the dark wood trim.

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